
The tale of Seitaro is a story of true stubborness. Of an otherwise unremarkable youth of a verily remarkable race, desired and exploited by those who wished to extract from him only the labor that his form could one day brunt. Whilst such life-to-be would have been hardly exceptional for a Hellsguard so far from home, this one chose to believe in something greater then the Hingan cultural norms. That there should be more in store for one like him then simple patience and perseverance, and any sort of destined path. So he broke free.Fleeing from debtors at the age of nineteen and ridding himself of others by the blade, the mad hound thus refused the authority of all but one; a soft-hearted Hingan woman, who was once the only one to show him kindness. Sparse about his greater past when asked, the Sakoguchi enforcer seems naturally dismissive, yet mayhaps such bears the hallmarks of one forced to rely on himself more then anyone else.By such brawn, very few are they who would contest his natural potential. His "arts" are in the eyes of many gruesome, yet he has gotten quite good at them; deadly so, even, and such is one of the rare things he seeks pride in. First and foremost, all he cares about is self-preservation. In such, he is truly egoistic, showing a certain bluntness to others and to contractors hiring his services, which has undirectedly made him quite efficient. Who is to say, however, that beneath such hides a truer personality, one capable of a protective kindness and stern vigilance? Of a loyalty of a kind unknown to man, for he or her the Lord which deserves true admiration? Only the passing of time would tell.

Art by Ratmom#3479

"My only chains shall be my own"


Legal NameSakoguchi Kayama Seitaro
AgeThirty-two [32]
RaceHellsguard Roegadyn
HeightEighty-eight Fulms ( 7'3)
Marital StatusSingle
Noble PeerageSakoguchi Clan
CitizenshipEmpire of Hingashi
ResidencyKugane / Bukyo
EducationMercenary Samurai upbringing - Considerable underworld experience
OccupationRogue Samurai - Yakuza Kyodai - Hitman for hire

"A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions." -Confucius

One quick of assumption would easily define Sakoguchi's persona as grim and straightforwards in simpler terms, yet such would no doubt be far from the truth.Socially, he is known as a puzzling oddity, seldom entertaining social gatherings he doesn't want to be to, and rarely partaking in the social arts of lying, manipulating and pretending he is something he is not. One of the perks, or perhaps downsides, in being the size of an oxen is that he needs not speak very much to be noticed- his presence or it's lack thereof.If one were to ask him what he finds entertainment in, they would find a puzzling response; he does not know. Having spent a youth as little more then an object, a tool of physical work and warfare, very little has been experienced by Seitaro, beyond the satisfaction of victory and the hardships of developing his form; an unworked slate in such matters.Having been on the run from his many past debtors and their higher-up connections, he maintains a very rigid and reduced social circle at most times. Surprisingly enough for someone as closed off, however, genuine interest, absent of any secret agendas, may find him opening up faster then could be assumed.


AlignmentTrue Neutral (Self-serving)
Personality TypeENTJ-T; The Commander
FaithThe Hingan Kami
Cultural influencesHingashi - Hellsguard Mercenary Clans

Defining Traits

(+) Patient
Like the Mountains he hails from, the Hellsguard is the physical embodiment of unmoving patience. Many have tried to tempt, lure or push him to mistake, only to incur his rage when they inevitably open themselves up.
(+) Diligent
There is little reason to be idle, particularly when there is work to be done. If someone asks or convinces him to do something, it shall be done.
(=) Self-serving
A man like Seitaro spent years with nothing to lose and very little to gain. Many have passed, and many will pass; with very few worthy of pity, of generosity or of his kindness. One who could do so would have to be truly worthy.
(=) Taciturn
Seitaro is a man of few words, who would rather accomplish his purpose through concrete action and achievement then with intelligent sayings and theories. When the man talks, he only states things he can be certain of or things he expects to be done.
(-) Utterly Unpredictable
To many who will meet him and come to interact, Seitaro, Demon of the Bakufu, will appear distant, a thunderous and imposing presence whose personal goals and whims are seldom known to anyone but he and he alone. His life's work is dictated by a set of moral maxims and aims only known intrinsically by he and he alone.
(-) Hellbent rage
We will never be slaves!

"But seasons change and Tyrants die,
His fury spent and times gone by,
The tyrant slept beneath Kun-Lai."
-Loremaster Chen


- Seitaro wears a long set of crimson prayer beads as a necklace, in appearance made of stained wood. Their purpose is unknown, yet he seems to value them.
- A thick scar runs diagonally across the Hellsguard's nose. Although an old wound, it seems to reveal an old weakness in the form of a defensive reflex when his face is targeted.
- The Roegadyn seems particularily aware of his many blindspots. Due to his size, he tends to keep whoever he interacts on his front side.
- A habit of his is to twiddle with his thick beard whenever in deep thought, or curving his moustache even further by doing so.
- He takes an unusual amount of care for his sword, a Nodachi of disproportionnate size, longer then the average Hyur's height, thus adapting to his own proportions. This weapon, which was named Kamigami no Houchou, or God-Cleaver, is the same blade he has fought with since entering adulthood.

Hooks & Plots

- Warrior of the World
Seitaro does not shy away from travel; in fact, contracts, deeds or errands that require him to stay on the constant move across Eitherys are those he favors; after all, enemies have a hard time tracking a target which seldom stays in one place for too long.
- Earthly sins
While far, far from an hedonist, Seitaro will often be noticed smoking the Kiseru, an oriental longpipe, or when unavailable, more western cigars. In addition, he does not shy away from the occasional drink and spirit, and could be said to have built a moderate resilience to such. He seldom shows his interest in a manner as to seem desperate, yet he'd likely be lying if he denied he also enjoyed the company of entertaining members of the opposite gender.
- Dauntless Challenger
It takes much to trigger the Hellsguard out of his self-control; however such does not mean he shies away from a good fight or danger. Crushing you down, when challenged otherwise, would merely reaffirm his superiority.
- Fear of the Past
Any attempts at curtailing the Roegadyn warrior, at controlling him or at bringing him back to his original purpose as a menial worker and mercenary will be met with aggression and overpowered response.
- Hatred of the arrogant weak
One of the rare things truly irksome to Sakoguchi are those who brag and flaunt with little to back it up, proverbially speaking. Bringing down the privileged and taking the favoured to their knees brings the rogue Samurai untold entertainment.

- Top of the Food Chain
A big belly and a stout metabolism requires unheard-of quantities of energy to supplement and sustain. Thankfully for Seitaro, he happens to enjoy devouring much of the land's fauna and flora, and nearly never says no to trying a new experience. Such a titan needs his meat, afterall- whether it be cooking it, hunting it, fishing it or bartering for it.
- Bibliophobia
A teenhood of labour and treatment as menial and someone else's possession sadly does not grant much in the form of an education. Although he'd never admit it easily and tries to hide it, Sakoguchi, whilst having wits, barely knows how to read, writes poorly and is unacquainted with much of the litterary and scholarly arts. Thankfully, such hasn't hindered him too much... yet.

OOC information

RPG Rating & roleplay themes

I prefer a good quality of roleplay, with themes that can and are welcome to be heavier in terms of intrigue, politics, social interactions and other sources of conflict, friendship or emotional involvement. I consider myself open-minded, and am willing to hear out most roleplay ideas that are based on well-developed concepts or lore.I will play mature content, including themes related to gambling, imprisonment, sexuality, alcohol and other substances, injury, betrayal, the list goes on. I am open to nearly any concept and willing to experiment, provided there is clear communication. That is the key to me.For any kind of romantic plotline, I am mainly looking for dynamics with a partner, friend or individual of trust, ideally not one-offs. ERP is also something I am open to discussing. I find good slow-burn enjoyable.

Don't hesitate to send me DMs!
I love meeting new people and getting to know them.

Male - 27 - Straight

I am a canadian bachelor who has worked in the private security industry & military.My hobbies involve political studies and world affairs, gaming, music, arts and poetry, horror content and graphic design, cinematography such as Del Toro or Jackson's movies, Vaporwave aesthetics and various intrigue-based TV and animated shows. I quite enjoy architecture, house design and good quality foods as well.Some of my design works can be found in the Gallery linked below.


Bilingual in English and French
Complete beginner in Chinese, Japanese and German


Discord - Arktor#3587
FFXIV - Crystal
Mateus: Arenvalde GĂ©raint
Malboro: Sakoguchi Seitaro

OOC Aesthetic Gallery

I've made much of the assets of this Carrd website myself. The art displayed below is only graphical edits and several aesthetic pieces made about lore characters or fellow roleplay characters upon request or gifting, but I don't claim ownership of the actual art pieces that were used for my edits.